Community Issues
​Improve Mental Health Policies for the Community
Support State Funding Hygiene Centers
Identify Various Types of Homelessness
Mental Health
Lower Burden of proof to initiate care through the ACT (Assisted Community Treatment). Currently, person(s) in need of care only need to declare that they are not in need of care. The only recourse is a long bureaucratic process to provide needed mental and physical care.
Support projects that can be used to house homeless persons as we build more affordable housing such as the Sand Island Redevelopment.
Public Education
Support our public education system by ensuring it is funded well to provide opportunities for our keiki.
I will support innovative and collaborative programs which create learning environments relative to programs that focus on the pathway students regardless of whether the student seeks a university track or not. Also, we should listen to the teachers, their students, and our community members.
I will Advocate to ensure student loans forgiveness programs are both offered and honored, for both full time and substitute teachers will advocate that the BOE shall have at least two (2) teachers (appointed by teachers) on the Board of Education. This will ensure that educators' voices are being heard during policy making that affect the lives of so many educators, staff, and students.
Diversified Economy
Provide funding opportunities for agriculture opportunities such as Vertical Farming, and food processors for Biofuel in Iwilei area.
Support trade careers and jobs that don’t require a four (4) year university degree through our public school system and communities.
Fight to maintain labor rights, advocate against policies that discourage labor organizing, advocating for labor to ensure that prevailing wages statues are enforced.
Pursuing Federal Funds beyond was is allocated
On average the state of Hawaii leaves around 1 billion dollars “on the table” from the federal government, we need to start building our grant writing capacity to go after those funds which will allow us to reduce our use of general funds in various areas.
Affordable Housing
Use state land for building truly affordable housing community-based affordable housing.
Senior Concerns and Kupuna Care
Create programs that help seniors avoid identity theft.
Provide increased funding for digital literacy programs with the public library system.
Provide additional state resources to sign up seniors for Medicare or be prepared to at the right time to avoid lifetime penalties.
Police Presence
Set up a Statewide program that allows the county to pay officers a pay differential to live in areas that are considered low-income areas or underserved, to understand the community more and become more effective in servicing those communities and by their presence the communities will become safer.
​Public Transportation
Use State resources to fund more public buses throughout Hawaii and look for ways to lower fares.